Otter Days

Romney vs. Obama

Dear Readers,

Romney has accepted the GOP Presidential Candidate for president. I watched part of the republican national presidential convention, and my two favorite parts were when Clint Eastwood spoke, and when Mitt Romney said, "Mr. Chairman and delegates, I accept your nomination." Can't wait to see Obama and Mitt battle it out for the seat of the president of the USA.

Comment if you have something you want to add!

`Otter Days

1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    We have been watching the this off youtube today! Storyteller told us about your blog, so we thought we would check it out! Great blog! :)
    God Bless!
    ~The Keller Girls~
    p.s. YOUR CAT IS SOOO CUTE!!!! :D


Hey everyone! Now I have comment moderation and so I will check out your comments first! Please don't stop commenting! It is just a little precaution. Thanks everyone!

`Otter Days